Albert E. Sobel, PhD

In July 2023, we changed our name from AACC (short for the American Association for Clinical Chemistry) to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). The following page was written prior to this rebranding and contains mentions of the association’s old name. It may contain other out-of-date information as well.

1960 Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry

The New York Metropolitan Section has awarded the fourth annual Van Slyke Award to Dr. Albert E. Sobel, Head of the Department of Biochemistry, The Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn. The award meeting was held at the New York Academy of Sciences on February 16, 1960.

Albert Edward Sobel was born in Luko, Hungary, September 24, 1922. In 1924, he began his studies at Cooper Union Night School of Science and was awarded a B.S. in 1930 from Cooper Union; Ch. E. in 1935 from Cooper Union; M.A. in 1936 from Columbia University; and Ph.D. in 1940 from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.
While attending school part time and at night, from 1925 to 1930, he was a research assistant in biochemistry at Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In 1931, he joined the Pediatric Research Laboratory of the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, and was named Chemist-in-Charge in 1933. At the request of the hospital, in 1936 he organized their department of biochemistry and has been head of this department to date. In 1950, he became the first member without a medical or dental degree of the Medical Board of this hospital.

Teaching offices held include Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1946 to date; Special Lecturer in Biochemistry, State University of New York College of Medicine at New York City, 1948 to date; Lecturer in “Blood Chemistry” at Hunter College, 1943-1947; and Lecturer in Advanced Biochemistry, Brooklyn College, 1942-1946.

Dr. Sobel is author of over 160 papers, principally in the investigation of the chemistry of bone and tooth formation, development of quantitative untramicro methods in clinical chemistry, study of the absorption and transportation of fat-soluble vitamins, and steroid chemistry.

Dr. Sobel is active in many scientific societies, and has officiated as President of the American Association of Clinical Chemists, and Chairman of the International Congress of Clinical Chemistry, held in New York City, 1956.
1953 the AACC Past President’s Award