Michael Somogyi, PhD

In July 2023, we changed our name from AACC (short for the American Association for Clinical Chemistry) to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). The following page was written prior to this rebranding and contains mentions of the association’s old name. It may contain other out-of-date information as well.

1953 Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry

Dr. Otto Schales, Chairman of the AACC Award Committee, announced that Dr. Michael Somogyi of the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, has been chosen as recipient for the 1953 Ernst Bischoff Award and Medal.

The Honorary members of AACC, acting as Award Nomination Committee, designated Dr. Somogyi from a number of candidates submitted to them by Dr. Schales’ committee, Joseph H. Roe, and Fritz Bischoff.

The Ernst Bischoff Award, consisting of $500, a scroll and medal will be awarded at the Stated Annual Meeting Dinner to be held Thursday evening, September 10th in Chicago. Dr. Somogyi will deliver the Second Ernst Bischoff Lecture.

Michael Somogyi is noted for his investigations of the metabolism of carbohydrates and ketone bodies and his clinical studies of diabetes and the physiology of the action of insulin. He has been associated with the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis since 1926, heading one of the first independent hospital laboratories of clinical chemistry.