Michael Laposata, MD

Dr. Laposata is professor of pathology and medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn. He is the pathologist-in-chief and director of clinical laboratories at Vanderbilt University Hospital. His previous positions include serving as director of the hospital coagulation laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and as director of clinical laboratories at Massachusetts General Hospital. He has more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, with his research focused on fatty acids and their metabolites. He implemented a system in which clinical laboratory data in coagulation and other areas of laboratory medicine are systematically interpreted by a physician with expertise in the area who writes a patient-specific narrative paragraph. In this service, physicians provide the same kind of analysis to clinical laboratory test results that they do with radiology and anatomic pathology data. Dr. Laposata received an award from the Institute of Quality in Laboratory Medicine of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for this innovation. He received 14 major teaching prizes during his tenures as a pathology professor at Harvard University, as director of clinical laboratories at Massachusetts General Hospital, and as an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. These awards included a teaching prize in a competition across the entire University of Pennsylvania system and the highest teaching awards voted by the graduating class at Harvard Medical School three years in a row.
