Bylaws of the History of Clinical Chemistry Division

Article I. Name and Purpose

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC). Section 2. The purpose of the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry is to serve as the principal focus and resource of the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) on all matters related to the history of clinical chemistry and of the Association.

Article II. Goals and Objectives

The overall goals and objectives of this Division are to promote the preservation of our heritage in clinical chemistry by all practical means.

Article III. Methods and Activities

The Division is project-oriented. Projects are both long and short-termed, and may be classified as follows:

  1. Education. Provide historical programs for workshops, seminars, symposia, roundtables, lectureships, and other forums at local, regional, national and international meetings. Within the Division’s activities, education relates intimately with publications and communications.
  2. Publications. Promote the publication of articles, notes and letters in scientific and trade journals, and relating to biography, methodology, instrumentation, ADLM history, past laboratory practice, and related topics. Promote the publication of books, booklets, and related pieces; or assist others in the process.
  3. Communications. Publish and disseminate a newsletter to members of the division and other key personnel. Correspond and establish liaison with sections, industry, organizations including international ones, and other interested parties and individuals.
  4. Resources. Establish programs and projects for the storage and archiving of historical (museum) items, articles and books; oral history; wall posters. Promote and assist in archiving by the ADLM and local ADLM sections. Promote historical research backed, when possible, by small grants.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1. Membership in the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry shall be open to all members of the ADLM.

Section 2. Admission in the Division shall be unrestricted to members who submit completed written applications together with annual dues established by the Division. Communication is via the ADLM national office, or the Division Secretary.

Section 3. Privileges of membership in the Division include receiving newsletters and other written communications, participating in projects, holding office or committee membership in the Division, holding voting rights in business affairs, representing the Division in professional affairs, or being entitled to reduced fees for scientific meetings when so established by the Executive Committee.

Section 4. Only members of the Division who are in good standing shall have any right, title or interest in the Division's property and funds.

Section 5. Any member may resign by so indicating in writing to the Division Secretary, or by not paying or renewing annual dues. No refund of Division dues shall be forthcoming.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Officers of the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry shall be members in good standing of the ADLM and the Division, and shall consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, Chair-past, Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. The Officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Division. Up to three Division members may serve as voting Consultant Members. The Newsletter Editor and Consultant Members shall be appointed by majority vote of the other officers.

Section 2. The terms of-office shall be two or three years for all offices of the Division except Consultant Members. Consultant Members and the Newsletter Editor serve for one year and may be reappointed.

Section 3. Officers shall have continuity (not all elected the same year). To allow continuity, officers shall be elected via the following schedule, and serve the terms indicated:

Chair-elect 2 years Biennial
Chair-past 2 years N/A
Secretary 2 years N/A
Secretary 3 Years Triennial
Treasurer 3 years Triennial
Consultant Members (3) 1 year (may be reappointed) N/A
Newsletter Editor 1 year (may be reappointed) N/A

The Secretary and Treasurer will not be elected in the same year. The Chair-elect will serve as Chair after the second year.

Section 4. Elections may be conducted by mail or electronic or other means at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Candidates for election will be previously nominated by the Executive Committee and by members of the Division. Elections shall be conducted so that Officers are elected and results announced by December of each year.

Section 5. Removal of officers. Any officer who is flagrantly remiss in fulfilling duties described In these bylaws shall be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. In the interim before the next election, the Chair may appoint a temporary officer (with majority approval of the Executive Committee) to fill the vacated office.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. As stated in ARTICLE V, Section 1, the officers and others named shall be the Executive Committee of the Division.

Section 2. The Chair of the Division shall be Chair of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Unless specified otherwise in these bylaws, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to manage all of the affairs and assets, including finances, of the Division.

Section 4. Finances permitting, the Executive Committee shall meet at least three times a year, with one of these meetings held at the ADLM national meeting. It shall meet either at the call of the Chair or upon request of a quorum (majority) of the Committee.

Section 5. The Executive Committee may appoint such other committees, including Task Force subcommittees, as may prove necessary. Each of these committees shall function until dissolved by the Executive Committee.

Section 6. The Executive Committee shall serve as the Nominating Committee. Members of the Division may also nominate officers by writing the Division Secretary. Announcements of forthcoming elections shall be made at least three months (90 days) in advance of an election. At least 30 days after announcement of the election must have passed before the final slate is prepared for ballot.

Article VII. Finances

Section 1. The fiscal year of the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry shall correspond to the calendar year.

Section 2. Members shall pay annual dues, the amount of which shall be decided yearly by the Executive Committee at the annual meeting, and set in accordance with the Bylaws of the ADLM.

Article VIII. Meetings

Section 1. An annual business meeting for the general membership will be held at the national ADLM meeting each year. Business requiring vote of the membership shall be conducted at this meeting, except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws. Business may also, in special circumstances, be conducted by vote, either mailed or electronic, of the membership.

Section 2. Special meetings of the Division may be called by the Executive Committee provided notice is given in writing or in the newsletter to the membership at least eight weeks in advance. Business conducted at this meeting must be made public as well as the decisions reached.

Section 3. Fifteen percent of the Members of the Division shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a general meeting.

Article IX. Papers and Publications

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the selection of papers to be presented at meetings of the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry. It may delegate this authority to a committee created for this purpose. All papers and programs on history presented under the auspices of the Division at the annual national ADLM meeting shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The rules for presentation of papers before meeting the Division shall be as outlined in the Bylaws and operating procedures of the ADLM.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the pre-editing and review of articles and books submitted for publication in the ADLM media. It may delegate this authority to a committee created for this purpose.

Section 4. Approval of publications shall be in accordance with the operating procedures and editorial policies set by ADLM media, and as outlined the Bylaws and Regulations of the ADLM.

Article X. Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the Division on the History of Clinical Chemistry, any assets of the Division thereafter shall be transferred to the ADLM so long as that organization is exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code of 1954 as amended or under such successor provision of the code as may be in effect at the time.

Bylaws adopted: via ballot of members 1993 Amended: via ballot of members 1 January 2011