Submit Your Research

Do you have new research, trial data, or a product launch that you’d like to showcase? Let the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM, formerly AACC) help you reach your intended audience.

ADLM Annual Meeting Opportunities

Call for Poster Abstracts

A major part of the the ADLM Annual Meeting is the Poster Hall, which features research covering the breadth of laboratory medicine, provides unique networking opportunities, and showcases award-winning abstracts. Do you or your company have new research findings to submit for consideration?

The Annual Meeting Organizing Committee (AMOC) for the ADLM Annual Meeting invites you to submit your research to share as a poster with the laboratory community. Every year, the AMOC accepts submissions in the fall.

Call for Proposals

If you or your colleagues are interested in presenting an educational session at the Annual Meeting, you can submit a session proposal for consideration. Check back for more information on the submission process and timeline for selection, which will be available in the fall.

Disruptive Technology Award

Does your company have an innovative testing solution that will transform patient care?

Apply for ADLM’s Disruptive Technology Award, which recognizes innovative testing and disruptive technology solutions that improve patient care through diagnostic performance or access to high quality testing. The award’s three finalists get the chance to present their cutting-edge technology during a session at the ADLM Annual Meeting.

ADLM Journal Opportunities

The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine

Your company can submit an article for review and consideration for publication in ADLM’s Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine (JALM), an international, peer-reviewed ADLM publication that showcases clinically relevant laboratory topics in applied and translational research. JALM considers submissions for publication on laboratory methods, evidence-based laboratory medicine, flow cytometry, hemostasis, management, health economics, best practices, test utilization, critical care, and pediatric testing.

Additionally, the journal provides a forum for discussion of policy and regulatory issues that impact the field.

Clinical Chemistry

All corporate supporters have an opportunity to publish experimental or theoretical research related to the field of laboratory medicine in Clinical Chemistry, the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today’s clinical laboratory. In addition to being the most cited journal in the field, Clinical Chemistry has the highest Impact Factor among journals of laboratory medicine, clinical pathology, analytical chemistry, and clinical laboratory subspecialties, such as clinical chemistry, molecular diagnostics, transfusion medicine, and clinical microbiology.