ADLM Annual Meeting

Visit the official meeting site.

The 800+ exhibitors who attend this event are able to network with the meeting’s 15,000+ attendees and help attendees find solutions to their specific needs. Exhibitors also receive various benefits, including the opportunity to attend the many sessions presented at the Annual Meeting.

Exhibit at the Meeting

As an exhibitor at the ADLM Clinical Lab Expo, you will have the opportunity to connect with global leaders in clinical chemistry, molecular diagnostics, point of care, mass spectrometry, translational medicine, lab management, and other areas of breaking science in laboratory medicine.

You’ll also be able to attend educational sessions to hear more about vital research and learn about important changes in the field. With more than 250 educational opportunities in the form of lectures, plenary sessions, scientific sessions, and roundtable sessions, you can design an educational experience that meets your need to stay ahead of changes in the field.

Network with Attendees and Exhibitors

Connect with colleagues and potential customers at the following ADLM Annual Meeting events:

  • Opening Mixer – Join all attendees for a casual networking opportunity to kick off the busy week at the ADLM Annual Meeting.
  • Expo Happy Hour – Mix and mingle at ADLM’s Clinical Lab Expo Happy Hour. You can enjoy beverages and light hors d’oeuvres while connecting with exhibitors and colleagues.

Submit Your Research at the Meeting

To learn more about how you can share your research at ADLM’s Annual Meeting, check out the following opportunities:

Call for Poster Abstracts
Disruptive Technology Award
Free Press Conference

You can also submit an educational session proposal for consideration. Check back for more information on this when the Call for Proposals opens in the fall.