Rennova Health plans to partner with Certainty Health to create direct-to-consumer smartphone tools that assess the genetic background of patients with psychiatric conditions. The agreement will combine Rennova’s expertise in diagnostics and healthcare software with Certainty’s experience in developing cloud-based mobile health applications. Under the agreement, Rennova will market consumer-oriented genetic tests developed by its subsidiary Advanced Molecular Services Group (AMS Group) using the Certainty Health brand. The first tests to be offered will focus on patients’ response to certain drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders. Rennova expects that the mobile platform will be available by the fourth quarter of 2017. “Precision medicine is great science, but still too expensive for the average family. Patients and their families need access to advances in diagnostic technologies and interpretation,” said Scott Jenkins, PhD, CEO of AMS Group. “Rennova’s AMS Group is bringing its patented pharmacogenomic platform directly to consumers.”