March 2013 CFTN

An AACC/CAP Educational Newsletter for Toxicology Laboratories

Read the March 2013 Issue

Synthetic Cannabinoids
Laboratories Respond to Demands of Designer Drugs
By Bridgit O. Crews, PhD

Synthetic cannabinoids play a leading role in the cat-and-mouse game between designer drug developers and those charged with protecting the public. Disguised as “herbal incense,” mixtures containing these new drugs are sold openly on the Internet, in convenience stores, and in head shops under brand names such as Spice and K2. The products consist of dried plant materials resembling potpourri that have been laced with synthetic cannabinoids.

The Baby Soap Saga
Nursery–Laboratory Cooperation Solves False-Positive Mystery

By Catherine A. Hammett-Stabler, Ph.D., DABCC, FACB, Steven W. Cotten, Ph.D., DABCC, Carl Seashore, M.D., Daniel Duncan, M.D., and Elizabeth A. Burch, M.S.W.
When the ringing phone interrupted an otherwise quiet afternoon, I did not suspect that the call would lead to our laboratory getting mentioned by Jay Leno and Steven Colbert. A staff member in the newborn nursery unit, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Burch, was on the line with the kind of question I learned to pay attention to long ago: “Has something changed with the urine drug tests for marijuana?”

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Abuse of Drugs for Treatment Rising
By Michael A. Wagner, Ph.D.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a neurological imbalance that leads to behavioral impulsiveness, inattention, hyperactivity, or a combination of these symptoms. ADHD is typically diagnosed during childhood, affecting 8–12% of children worldwide. But treatment often continues into adulthood, with some 4% of adults worldwide taking drugs for the condition.