Anna Wolska

Anna WolskaAnna Wolska, MS, PhD, FAHA is a Staff Scientist at the Lipoprotein Metabolism Laboratory of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD, USA where she leads several projects related to lipoprotein metabolism and cardiovascular diseases. She received her Master’s degree in 2009 at the University of Gdansk and PhD in 2014 at the Medical University of Gdansk in Poland, where she also completed studies in clinical laboratory medicine and became a certified Clinical Chemist. Since 2015 she has been working at the NHLBI in Dr. Alan T. Remaley’s laboratory. Dr. Wolska has over 15 years of experience in biomedical sciences and has a broad training in both basic science and translational studies related to cardiovascular diseases. She is a Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA). She also serves as a Communications Officer for the Lipoprotein and Vascular Diseases Division of the ADLM and as a host of the Lupus Science and Medicine podcast for the Lupus Foundation of America.

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