A Year of
Lab Leadership

When word of a novel coronavirus emerged in late 2019, the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) acted swiftly, reporting on the tests our lab experts would use to detect it. As lawmakers and regulators debated policy throughout 2020, the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) has voiced the needs of lab professionals. And as the public struggled to understand the pandemic, ADLM has answered their questions with sound science. More details on ADLM’s COVID-19 activities can be found in this PDF.

test tube checklist Leaders In The Scientific Community

Lab experts are on the frontlines during a pandemic. ADLM has served this community with the latest academic research on testing and epidemiology, updated training and education, and a way to share on-the-ground reality that translates to advocacy in action.

person reading Clincal Chemistry Journal
Certified Labs Worldwide surveyed about challenges, needs, and best practices
Articles in ADLM’s scientific journals, Clinical Chemistry and The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine
lab tech with pippette
Downloads of those articles
Citations of those articles
Posts in our lab experts community, ADLM Artery
certificate icon Leaders In Smart Policy

On February 28, ADLM urged the FDA to permit qualified labs to build and use laboratory developed tests (LDTs) to detect the novel coronavirus. Just three days later, the FDA changed its policy to allow these LDTs. When ADLM speaks — to the FDA, the HHS, the Coronavirus Task Force, and Congress — policy for public health improves.

Meetings with Admiral Brett Giroir, Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Health, to shape policy
Invitation to join HHS National Testing Implementation Forum, making ADLM the first laboratory group asked to join this prestigious forum.
ADLM in the news
Letters with policy guidance for lawmakers and public health officials
person icon Leaders for the Public

ADLM leaders have shared their lab expertise on Good Morning America, CNN, NPR, and other outlets. Our COVID-19 resources and positions have been covered in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, ABC News, Vanity Fair, National Journal, and elsewhere. And our lab experts have kept the public informed by answering common questions about testing.

CNN Screenshot
of articles and TV segments in the popular press featuring ADLM sources
1 Million+
views of Making Sense of Coronavirus Testing video series
Carmen Wiley

All numbers as of Oct. 7, 2020 Images from top: BraunS/iStock; MaaHoo Studio/Getty; courtesy of ADLM (5).