Bylaws of the Molecular Pathology Division

ARTICLE I. Name and Purpose

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Division of Molecular Pathology of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC).

Section 2. The purpose of the Division of Molecular Pathology shall be to further and promote the professional and public interest by encouraging the study, advancing the science and expanding and improving the use of the techniques of Molecular Biology in the field of Clinical Chemistry.

ARTICLE II. Goals and Objectives

1. The goals of the Division of Molecular Pathology will be to provide a forum dedicated to the communication of information among members of the Division and of the ADLM.

ARTICLE III. Methods and Activities

A variety of activities will be pursued in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Division of Molecular Pathology.

1. Education – The Division will sponsor symposia, workshops, seminars, and other programs at regional and national meetings in order to further the knowledge of clinical chemists about the utility of molecular techniques.

2. Communication – The Division will provide a forum for the dissemination of information regarding technical and interpretive innovations in the field of Molecular Pathology.

3. Publication – The Division will promote and sponsor research papers, communications, monographs, etc. relevant to the application of molecular techniques to the diagnosis or treatment of disease.

4. Research – The Division will encourage research in specialized areas of Molecular Pathology by promoting the development of unique and useful molecular techniques.

5. Training – The Division will provide a mechanism to establish training sessions and support the development of certification procedures.

ARTICLE IV. Membership

Section 1. Membership in the Division of Molecular Pathology shall be open to all members of the ADLM who indicate their wish to join the Division on their annual ADLM dues statement, on-line at the ADLM website, or by written notification of the Secretary of the Division of Molecular Pathology, and who pay the annual dues established by the Division.

Section 2. Privileges of membership in the Division of Molecular Pathology shall be established by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Only Members in good standing shall have any right, title, or interest in the property and funds of the Division of Molecular Pathology.

Section 4. Only Members may hold Division or committee office, or may vote in elections of the Division of Molecular Pathology. Only Members may represent the Division of Molecular Pathology in professional matters.

Section 5. Any member may resign by so indicating in writing to the Division of Molecular Pathology Secretary. No refund of dues shall be forthcoming.

ARTICLE V. Officers

Section 1. Officers of the Division of Molecular Pathology shall be members in good standing in the ADLM and the Division of Molecular Pathology, and shall consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, Chair-past, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. The terms of office shall be one year for Chair-elect and Chair-past, and two years for Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms are by calendar year and officers shall not be elected for more than two continuous terms.

Section 3. In order to provide continuity, the biannual elections for Secretary and Treasurer will be held in alternate years. Chair-elect will be elected every other year in the same year a new Secretary is elected. Chair-elect will serve as Chair the subsequent two years after his/her term as Chair-elect and will serve as Chair-past the year after his/her term as Chair.

Section 4. Elections will be held by secret ballot. The election results will be decided by simple majority. Candidates will be approved by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee.

Section 5. Any officer who is grossly negligent in fulfilling the duties as described in these By-Laws and who is given a vote of no confidence by a majority of the Executive Committee, shall be summarily removed from office. The vacancy shall be filled at the next scheduled ballot for officers. In the interim, the Chair may appoint a temporary officer subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VI. Committees

Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Chair-elect, Chair-past, Secretary, and Treasurer. Sub-committee chairs and other members of the Division of Molecular Pathology may also be invited to participate on the Executive Committee at the discretion of the Chair. If one or more of these officers is unable to fulfill their commitments to the Division of Molecular Pathology, a Member-at-Large may be appointed to the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Chair of the Division shall be Chair of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Except as specifically noted otherwise in these By-Laws, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to manage all of the affairs and assets of the Division of Molecular Pathology.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least two times per year, one of which will be held in conjunction with the ADLM national meeting. The Committee shall meet either at the call of the Chair or upon request of a majority of the Committee members.

Section 5. The Executive Committee may appoint such other committees as prove necessary. Each of these committees shall continue until dissolved by the Executive Committee.

Section 6. Task Force subcommittees may be created or appointed by individual committees upon approval of the Executive Committee and shall be automatically dissolved after one year unless specifically approved for continuance by the Executive Committee.

Section 7. A Nominating Committee will be elected by vote of the general membership of the Division of Molecular Pathology. This Committee will consist of four members, two of which will be elected in alternate years for two year terms. No member of this committee shall serve for more than three consecutive terms.



Section 1. The fiscal year of the Division of Molecular Pathology shall correspond to the calendar year.

Section 2. Members shall pay annual dues, the amount of which shall be decided by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Committee in accordance with the By-Laws of the ADLM.

Section 4. Non-members of the Division of Molecular Pathology of the ADLM may, by payment of a fee, receive any published communication or newsletter produced by the Division. The fee shall be set by the Executive Committee.



Section 1. The Division of Molecular Pathology shall hold technical sessions at the national meetings of the ADLM or other meetings when approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. An annual business meeting for the general membership shall be held at the national ADLM meeting each year. Business requiring vote of the membership shall be conducted only at this meeting, except as provided elsewhere in these By-Laws. In special circumstances, voting by membership may be concluded by mail.

Section 3. Special meetings of the Division of Molecular Pathology may be called by the Executive Committee, if notice is given to the membership in writing or by publication in the official organ of the ADLM at least eight weeks in advance. If business is to be conducted at such a meeting, the specific nature of the business is to be made public as well as the outcome or decisions reached at such a meeting.

Section 4. Ten percent of the Members of the Division of Molecular Pathology shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a general meeting.


Papers and Presentations

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the selection of papers and presentations to be presented at meeting of the Division of Molecular Pathology. It may delegate this authority to a committee that has been created for this purpose.

Section 2. The rules for presentation of papers before meetings of the Division of Molecular Pathology shall be as outlined in the By-Laws and Regulations of the ADLM.


Dissolution Upon dissolution of the Division of Molecular Pathology, any assets of the Division shall be transferred to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) so long as that organization is exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code of 1954 as amended or under such successor provision of the code as may be in effect at that time.

Bylaws revised 11/07.