Bylaws of the Industry Division

Article I.

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Industry Division of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC), Inc. (ADLM).

Section 2. The Purpose of the Industry Division shall be to:

  • Provide a forum for ADLM members to meet, identify common interests and concerns and develop programs that assist them in the workplace. 
  • To identify and develop synergies between industry and clinical laboratory members who contribute to the health care system and enhance patient care.

The focus of the Industry Division is on issues relevant to industries that service the clinical laboratory or issues from those industry's perspective.  

Article II. Goals and Objectives

The Industry Division will work in collaboration with the ADLM office, Local Sections, and other Divisions to:

  1.  Identify and describe the numerous work settings of division members and the needs of the members in these settings.

2.  Develop and implement educational opportunities focused on issues/needs common to the members of the division.

3.  Provide communication links between division members, other divisions and clinical laboratorians to enhance cooperation and promote synergies.

Article III. Activities

In order to accomplish the general goals and objectives of the Division, a variety of activities will be pursued.

Education - Workshops, seminars, symposia and other programs at regional and national meetings will be sponsored to enhance the knowledge of the clinical laboratorian.

Communication - Provide a forum for the dissemination of information about the issues and common needs of the Industry Division members.

Publication - Promote and sponsor scientific notes, communications, research papers, abstracts and monographs.

Research – The division will set an environment that encourages research in areas relevant to industry by sponsoring or holding meetings and forums on subjects of interest to the membership and encouraging papers or abstracts. 

Consultation - Maintain a liaison with federal and state regulatory agencies and other professional societies with related interests to provide expertise to these organizations which will further the recognition of the contributions of clinical laboratorian to the practice of clinical laboratory medicine.

Training –The division will provide mechanisms for training in subjects and areas of importance to the membership.  Where appropriate, the division will encourage the use of existing certification systems applicable to industry members and, as needed, the division may also encourage the development of certification procedures.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1. Membership in the Division shall be open to all members in good standing of the ADLM who indicate in writing to the Secretary of the Division their wish to join the Division, contact the ADLM National Office or check the appropriate box on the annual ADLM dues statement and who pay the annual dues established by the Division.

Section 2. Privileges of membership in the Division shall be established by the Executive Committee and may include but are not restricted to, reduced registration fees at symposia, workshops, and other meetings (e.g. regional) held apart from national meetings of the ADLM.

Section 3. Only Members may hold Division or committee office or may vote in elections of the Division. Only Members may represent the Division in professional matters.

Section 4. Any member may resign by so indicating in writing to the Division Secretary. No refund of Division dues shall be forthcoming.  Failure to pay Division Dues shall result in termination of membership in the Division.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Officers of the Division shall be Members in good standing of the ADLM and the Division and shall consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, Past Chair,  Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. The terms of office shall be one year for the Chair-elect, Chair, and Past Chair. The term will be two years for Secretary and Treasurer.  Terms are by the calendar year and officers shall not be elected for more than two continuous terms.

Section 3. To provide continuity on the executive committee, the officers shall be elected according to the following schedule and serve terms as indicated below:

  1. Chair-elect 1 year (annual)
  2. Chair 1 year (N/A)
  3. Chair-past 1 year (N/A)
  4. Secretary 2 years (Biannual)
  5. Treasurer 2 years (Biannual)

The Secretary and Treasurer will be elected every other year. At the recommendation of the nominating committee and upon election by the electorate, one person may hold both positions of Secretary and Treasurer.  Chair-elect will be elected each year and will serve as Chair the subsequent year.  Members at large will be elected for two years.  See Article 6 section 1.

Section 4. Elections shall be by secret mail, faxed or electronic ballot.  The ballot shall be mailed at least 30 days before the elections are closed. The Executive Committee upon, recommendation of the Nominating Committee will approve the candidates.

Section 5. Duties of officers shall be those generally associated with these titles and shall include the following elements.

  A. Chair-elect

1. Preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair.

2. Serve as Chairperson of the program committee.

3. Accede to position of Chair as defined in these Bylaws.

  B. Chair

1.  Coordinate Division activities.

2.  Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee.

3.  Organize the Division Business Meetings.

4.  Promote the Division's general mission of education.

5.  Ensure that the Division provides topics and speakers for the ADLM Annual Meeting symposia and selected topics.

6.  Coordinate periodic and annual reports as required.

  C. Past-Chair

1. Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee

2. Direct long-range planning activities of the Division 

3. Assist the Chair and substitute for the Chair when requested.

  D. Secretary

1.   Keep minutes of all meetings of the Division and submit for approval to the Executive Committee.

2.  Submit a summary of approved minutes and election results to the Newsletter Editor for publication in the newsletter.

3.  Carry out such correspondence of the Division as required by the Association and/or delegated by the Chair.

  E. Treasurer

1.  Maintain accurate and current records of all credits, debits, and balances.

2.  Present a financial report of receipts, disbursements, and current balances at Executive Committee meetings and Business meetings of the Division.

3.  Assist the Chair in developing the Divisions budget.

Section 6. Removal of Officers: Any officer who is negligent in fulfilling his or her duties as described in these bylaws and is given a no-confidence vote by a simple majority of the all members of the Executive Committee shall be removed from office. The vacancy shall be filled at the next scheduled ballot for officers. In the interim, the Chair may appoint a temporary officer subject to the approval of the total executive committee.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Chair-elect, Chair-past, Secretary, and Treasurer. One to three members at large may also be elected to the executive committee by the division members. If one or more of these officers is unable to fulfill their commitments to the Division, a Member-at-Large may by appointed to the Executive Committee. Similarly, if a single person serves as Secretary/Treasurer a single at-Large Member may be selected.

Section 2. The Chair of the Division shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to manage all of the affairs and assets, including finances, of the Division.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least two times a year, one of which will be held in conjunction with the ADLM Annual Meeting. Further, it shall meet either at the call of the Chair or upon request of a quorum of the committee. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members. Meetings may be held by conference call or Internet connection.

Section 5. The Executive Committee may appoint such other committees as may prove necessary. Each of these committees shall continue until dissolved by the Executive Committee. These committees shall report to the Executive Committee.

Section 6. Working subcommittees may be created/appointed by individual committees upon approval of the Executive Committee and shall be automatically dissolved after one year unless specifically approved for continuance by the Executive Committee.

Section 7. A Nominating Committee will be elected. This Committee will consist of the Past-Chair of the Division and four members, two of which will be elected in alternate years for two-year terms. The Past-Chair will serve as the Chair of the Nominating committee.  No member of this committee shall serve more than three consecutive terms.

Section 8. The Executive Committee shall appoint an Education Chair who will function to provide long range planning regarding education and interaction with the Annual Meeting Organizing Committee. This may include oversight of the Scientific Program Committee. This Chair may be one of the elected officers, but the role of developing proposed educational plans for the ADLM Annual Meeting must be clearly stated.

Article VII. Finances

Section 1. The fiscal year of the Division shall correspond to the fiscal year of the ADLM.

Section 2. Members shall pay annual dues, the amount of which shall be decided yearly by the Executive Committee at or before the annual meeting in accordance with the bylaws of ADLM for the next year.

Article VIII. Meetings

Section 1. The Division shall hold scientific sessions at the ADLM Annual Meeting and other meetings when approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. An annual business meeting for the general membership will be held at the Annual ADLM Meeting each year. Business requiring vote of the membership shall be conducted only at this meeting, except as provided elsewhere in these Bylaws. In special circumstances, voting by the membership may be conducted by mail.

Section 3. The Executive Committee may call special meetings of the Division, if notice is given to the membership in writing at least eight weeks in advance. If business is to be conducted at such a meeting, the specific nature of the business is to be made public as well as the outcome of decisions reached at such a meeting.

Article IX. Papers

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the selection of papers to be presented at meetings of the Division. It may delegate this authority to a committee that had been created for this purpose.

Section 2. The rules for presentation of papers before meetings of the Division shall be as outlined in the Regulations of the ADLM or as adopted by the Division.

Article X. Dissolution

The Industry Division has no separately owned assets. Any ADLM assets in the hands of a Division shall be returned to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) upon dissolution or when requested by the ADLM.