Joseph Gast, PhD

In July 2023, we changed our name from AACC (short for the American Association for Clinical Chemistry) to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). The following page was written prior to this rebranding and contains mentions of the association’s old name. It may contain other out-of-date information as well.

1957 Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry

The sixth Ernst Bischoff Award was presented at the annual dinner of the Association in New York City on September 12, 1957. The recipient was Joseph H. Gast, Professor of Biochemistry at the Baylor University College of Medicine.

Dr. Gast received his education at the University of Michigan where he was awarded a doctorate degree. He has been affiliated with Baylor University since 1942.

The ceremonies were presided over by Dr. Joseph I. Routh, President of AACC, and Dr. Gast was cited “For his efforts in advancing the practice of Clinical Chemistry on behalf of the patient, the physician, and the chemist; for his insistence on intelligence and honesty in selection, execution, and interpretation of chemical determinations; for his contributions to the broad scientific basis on which Clinical Chemistry rests; and for his endeavors in the professional attainments of the clinical chemist.”

In his address Dr. Gast discussed the development of a field of “chemical electronics” for the measurements of the state of body functions and pointed out the limitations of the present single function analyses. The thought-provoking address was received with a great deal of interest.

The Ernst Bischoff Award is sponsored by the Ames Company of Elkhart, Indiana, and is given annually by AACC to a scientist for outstanding contributions in clinical chemistry. The Award consists of a scroll, a medal, and an honorarium of $500.00. The recipient is selected by an Award Committee of the Association.

Procedure for nominations for the Ernst Bischoff Award has been described in Clinical Chemistry [2, 449 (1956)]. Nominations for the 1958 Award should be received by the National Secretary not later than April 15, 1958. It is hoped that the matter of nominations will be placed on the agenda of all local sections and individual members likewise will participate.