David Glick, PhD

In July 2023, we changed our name from AACC (short for the American Association for Clinical Chemistry) to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). The following page was written prior to this rebranding and contains mentions of the association’s old name. It may contain other out-of-date information as well.

1980 Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry

David Glick will receive the 29th AACC Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry through Research. The award is sponsored by the Ames Company.

Dr. Glick was born in Homestead, PA, in 1908. He received a B.S. degree (Philips Medalist, 1929), and a Ph.D. (1932) in chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh, and the LL.D. (Honorary), University of Glasgow, will be conferred (1980). He was Hernsheim Fellow, New York Mount Sinai Hospital (1932–4), and subsequently held Rockefeller Foundation and Commonwealth Fund fellowships at the Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen; Stazione Zoologica, Naples; and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Dr. Glick served as the head of Clinical Chemistry, Mount Zion Hospital, San Francisco (1934–6), and Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, NJ (1937–42). He was the head of Vitamin and Enzyme Research, Russell Miller Milling Co., Minneapolis (1943–6), and a consultant to the U.S. Army Toxicity Laboratory, University of Chicago (1945–6) and Fort Detrick, MD (1957–67), and to the Veterans Administration Hospitals in Minneapolis (1946–7) and Palo Alto (1961– ).

At the University of Minnesota he was associate professor (1946–50) and professor and head of histochemistry (1950–61), and at Stanford University, professor and head, Division of Histochemistry, Department of Pathology (1961–73), professor emeritus (1973– ), recalled to active duty Cancer Biology Research Laboratory (1978– ). He also served as director of the Center for Histochemical Research, Stanford Research Institute (1973–8) and since 1978 he remains as Staff Scientist. Dr. Glick held a Career Award, National Institutes of Health (1962–73), and was Visiting Professor of Experimental Medicine, Royal Infirmary, University of Glasgow (1970–1). He is a Diplomate, American Board of Clinical Chemistry, and received the Van Slyke Award (1977) of the New York Metropolitan Section, the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). He served twice as president of The Histochemical Society (1951–2, 1969–70), and was president of the International Committee for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (1972–6). His honorary memberships include the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, the Histochemical Society of Finland, and The Histochemical Society, U.S.A. He has served on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, and Rivista di Istochimica Normale e Pathologica. He has served as member or chairman of various panels, study sections, and committees of the National Research Council and National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Glick has published about 275 papers, edited Methods of Biochemical Analysis from its inception in 1954, and co-edited Techniques of Biochemical and Biophysical Morphology (1972–7). He has authored Black and White and Other Poems (1946), Techniques of Histo- and Cytochemistry (1949), which was also translated in the U.S.S.R., and Quantitative Chemical Techniques of Histo- and Cytochemistry, vols.1 and 2 (1961, 1963). He was included in the list of the 50 most-cited authors in the world’s science literature by Current Contents, Life Sciences (14, M37, 1971).

Dr. Glick’s work has included basic and clinical biochemical studies, and development of microchemical and microphysical technology and methods for quantitative histo- and cytochemistry with applications to normal and pathological tissues and cells in various biomedical investigations.