Table 2
Treatment Protocols Using Various Dosing Regimens for Chronic Hepatitis C

Recommended Dose
Treatment Duration
Mono Interferon α-2b
Interferon α-2a
Interferon alfacon-1
6 MIU t.i.w.
3 MIU t.i.w.
9 µg t.i.w.
48 weeks
72 weeks
24 – 48 weeks

Interferon α-2b +


3 MIU t.i.w.
1,000 – 1,200 mg daily*

180 µg or 1.5 µg/kg weekly
1,000 – 1,200 mg daily*

24 weeks – Relapse
24 – 48 weeks – Naïve

24 weeks - Genotypes 2/3
48 weeks – Genotype 1

Triple PEG-INF + RBV + Telaprevir
PEG-INF + RBV + Boceprevir
TVR: 750 mg t.i.d.
BOC: 800 mg t.i.d.
12 wks triple + 36 wks combo
4 wks combo + 32 wks triple + 12 wks combo

Abbreviations: MIU=million international units; t.i.w.=three times weekly; t.i.d.=thee times daily

*Dosage based on body weight: patients weighing < than or equal to 75 kg receive 1,000 mg oral ribavirin, patients weighing >75 kg receive 1,200 mg oral ribavirin. FDA approved 800 mg daily dose of ribavirin when used with PEG-IFN, especially in patients who weigh <65 kg.